Falmouth Yacht Club Sonar Fleet season, the third race day began amid the tumultuous weather conditions that epitomize Cape Cod spring, the day started with thunderstorms, after that it went for the rolling fog and finally ended up with a gorgeous day. All this happened within the four hours of time.
At the time of the first race, the players got the clean start, thanks to the fading rain on W 2 Course. According to the this website website, there were six boats on the line all competing for a perceived boat-favored line. The finish of the first race was extremely exciting as first three boats were only at the distance of 67 seconds apart, in the first 14-minute of the race start.
A quick race two turnarounds with the boat freshening and a favored west wind, race a longer D2. Out of the six boats, five were at the start point and six on a starboard Molly T was at the surprise port start.
The team Challenger kept the lead, with them by rounded first and kept the lead with a smooth spinnaker run.
End of the day, the team Nimble and Jack won the race with a first and two seconds, while team challenger and Robbie finished in the second position with a fourth and two firsts.